Sponsorship Form
You can help out directly with life changing environmental and humanitarian work through your donation to Developing World Solar. Developing World Solar is 501(c) (3) Non-profit organization. All donations are tax deuctable.
Name: ________________________________________________
Mailing Address:_________________________________________

$90 You will able to support donation of solar light for 3 refugee families.
$100 You will fund a solar water pasterizer to insure safe drinking water for a family.
$400 You will provide a family with a Blazing Tube Hybrid Solar Cooker.
$3,000 You will supply a village with 6 Solar water pasteurizers and 6 Blazing Tube Hybrid Solar Cookers.
$5,000 Supplies a village with 10 Solar water pasteurizers and 10 Blazing Tube Hybrid Solar Cookers.
$10,000 You can support a Refugee camp with 25 Blazing Tube Hybrid Solar Cookers.
$100,000 You can provide multiple villages with various Solar Systems.

Please make check payable to
“ Developing World Solar ”
Please include this form
with your check.
Mail to:
DWS, 4882-4 Kilauea Ave., Honolulu, Hi 96816
Email your questions to GrandSolar808@gmail.com
Please print this page or print PDF Sponsorship Form and include form with your check.